
Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012 [TOMS]

I got my TOMS in the mail today! =D Ewk, I'll make sure I wear them out. My legs refused to run today for I ran at seven yesterday, one in the morning today and then a seven again today. My legs hate me right now. This running has given me the most pleasure in months, both pain and pleasure, but satisfaction of some freedom.

"And when my smile gets old and faded, 
 wait around, I'll smile again" 
-Bent by Matchbox Twenty

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29, 2012 [C.S. Lewis]

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
                                         -C.S. Lewis
I will be strong, because I am strong.

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012 [Veggies]

The food you see in these pictures are cut up veggies drizzle with olive oil and ranch on bread with eggplant. Yum, yums. Robbie tried many foods that he had never tried before. Such as radishes, kale, parsnip and eggplant. We traveled to the grocery store and I prepped foods for him to taste. Earlier in the day I ate a memorial day lunch at his grandmother. To be honest, as I see and talk to her more and more, I like her. Today Robbie is starting his new "lifestyle" food plan and I am there with him along the way.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27, 2012 [Wrestling]

"There is NO such thing as an OFF SEASON." My man was the wrestling coach for the middle school, in which he trained an undefeated team.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 26, 2012 [Purse]

My lovely, handy-dandy purse. Yeah, good day, but this was the only picture I took today.
Robbie called about an hour before he was to have a family reunion. Limited time to get ready. Chilled at his house and then later ate at Pizza Hut. :) I wanted to go to Wal-Mart to get some yellow paint, for every time I would want to paint, I wouldn't have an yellow. I went to the produce section and bought some parsnip and kale to experiment with. Let's see how well this goes.

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012 [Vegetable Low Mien]

Went on a lunch date with Jessica at the Golden Dragon. I ordered vegetable low mien and she got sushi. Hanging out with her was good, but physically I have been feeling like crap. I feel like a pregnant bloated whale with a giant sinus infection. I other words, I feel fat, bloated and sick. I'm thinking about going to bed much earlier than usual.
I'm just trying to be normal and to fit into society. I know I'm a mess and I want to be someone. Someone that I like better.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012 [Brownies]

They look like poopey with powdered sugar on them, but these are the brownies I made yesterday. They are really yummies. :) I attended math class today and finished three sections. Afterwards, I rode with Katie and her mother to run some errands. It was good to see them. I also saw some old friends in the library and my favorite seventh grade teacher, Ms. Owens. Over all today was good and on top of that, Dad came home from the hospital.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012 [Ice, Ice Baby]

Dad is still in the hospital, but he is doing much better. I stayed home and clean some. I also made yummy "guilt-free" brownies. Yums. I was in the mood for some ice, so I literally filled up a zip-lock bag and crushed some ice to eat. Hehe.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 2012 [Donkeys]

First day of math class. Saw Brooke today. Her birthday is the same as Robbie's and she said that she was sick that day. :( Robbie studied in the library while I was in class. I got minutes on my phone, took my laptop with the broke screen to get surgery. *tear* My baby, lol. Afterwards, Robbie took me to his grandparent's farm and we talked with them for good while. Visited Dad in the hospital, in which he is feeling better. Hopefully he'll get out soon.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012 [Vegetarian Chili]

My Dad wound up going to the hospital today for a urinary tract infection and dehydration. I'm suppose to go visit him tomorrow after my first summer math class. While my parents had been gone, I made dinner; vegetarian chili. Vacuumed the house, did laundry, did the dishes and mow the grass.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May, 19, 2012 [Balloon Chick]

Today is Robbie's birthday! =D Robbie came over yesterday after I had put cheesy decorations on the walls. His best friend, Cody's Eagle Scout Ceremony was being held at four, so Robbie had to be there for his friend. Afterwards we all hung out at Jordan's house (Cody's girlfriend.) I arrived home around 12:30am. Yeah, I would consider that I had fun and I hope Robbie's day was fairly well.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 2012 [Mowing]

Vad, vadie, boom. Two pictures today. lol Yeah, I'm cheesy. I pretty much stayed outside the whole day working on the path and mowing grass. Once it got dark, I baked cookies for Robbie, because his birthday is tomorrow. I hope he has a wonderful day. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012 [Muddie Buddies]

I had been good all day, until I hung out with Lee(LeAnn) later in the day. We talked for a while at Sonic, then went to Wal-Mart. I ran across Muddies Buddies that I had never tried before. Um, I was bad tonight. I surely exceeded my thousand calorie intake for the day. Yes, I'm on a strict calorie intake diet thingy. Whatever you wanna call it. I hung out with Lee tonight, because she's traveling back to Iowa for six months and of course I had to see her before she left me here.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, 2012 [Nail Polish]

Thinking about painting my nails. What color should I do? For all the mothers out there, I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12, 2012 [Before my Time]

For an early Mother's Day present, Dad and I took Mom to where they raised there three sons and where Dad grew up as a kid. Memories glazore as they stare at Black River.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11, 2012 [Pizza]

I remember the summer of 2011, Katie and I would have pizza eating contest. (she would always win) Today I bought one of those pizzas, but this time I dressed it up with tomatoes. Yum.

May 10, 2012 [Upside Down]

Yes, I know this picture is upside down. I thought it looked awesome that way. Robbie and I were at the park around eight and I was laying on a table with my head dangling off gazing at the lake. I thought the view looked amazing, but the camera is never as good as a pair of eyes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8. 2012 [Lion King]

Colored Pencils

     Cleaned by bathroom, a little of my room, filled out a job application and Robbie came over. We when to the mall and Hibachi's to eat. Since it was a buffet restaurant, he said this was the most he had ever seen me eat. We both left satisfied and stuff. He also lent me his yellow and green plaid shirt to wear. Hehe. This picture is of Simba and Nala from The Lion King, which I drew yesterday. I guess I'm just in a Disney drawing mood.

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012 [Repair work]

Working on repairing the lawn mower with father. Darn thing. Well looks like the grass won't be cut this week.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 2012 [Hercules]

Oil Pastels.
     Woke up late, did nothing and tried to resolve things with a friend.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5, 2012 [Red Velvet Cake]

My lovely boyfriend called this morning to wake me up and came over with my favorite cake. Red velvet that he made. Yummy! :) He is so awesome. I pretty much swam the whole day at his papa's house. I might have lost my best friend those. Trying to get her back. "I have been trying for too long to make amends with you, to try at least make you happy and no, I'm not pushing you away. Thank you for the present, even though I haven't opened it because I still want to open it in front of you. I know I did wrong tonight and messed up, but I had my reasons and even though words hurt, if you let me become truthful, I can explain to you what I think. I still consider you my best friend even though you may hate me."

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4, 2012 [Ariel]

Oil Pastels.
      Did absolutely nothing today. First day of summer break.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3, 2012 [Ducks and ducklings]

Passed all my finals that were today. Robbie took his math final today and passed the class with a B average! :) Afterwards, we went to the park, got ice cream which he made a smiley face in it, to make me laugh. I also got to tour the places and homes he grew up in throughout his childhood. At the park, I spotted a duck and her ducklings. I was giggling as the kids in the park were trying to chase the geese into the water.

May 2, 2012 [Walls]

Basically rearranged my walls.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012 [Oil Painting]

Now that I only have two more final exams to go and the semester's pretty much over with, I might be able to focus more on drawing and painting. I have an unfinished oil painting that have have been wanting to finish for a while. Happy May First!

April 30, 2012 [Happy Birthday Sign]

A little Happy Birthday sign I made for Katie, so when she would walk into the kitchen she would she it. She and I spent the day together, but sadly it was just for homework and studying. English term paper and a philosophy final today. Procrastination at its finest.