
Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 16, 2012 [Paintball]

Today was pretty freaking awesome. I went paint-balling for the first time ever with Robbie and some of his friends. I had to wear his camouflage pants, because I did have any. lol. Thank goodness I had a belt. I meet Jurni's and Josh's baby; Giselle. Cute baby. Afterwards, we all went out to eat at Fuji's . That was the only thing I had to eat all day beside some apples and peanut butter. Warning! When you walk into Wal-Mart, you will meet people, a lot, that you know. That's what happen to Robbie, Michel, Josh, Jurni and me. We wound up power walking out of there, but I did find it funny that I had forgot to pack and change of shorts to change into after paintball, so yes, of course, I had to wear Robbie's pants, but I had a black tank to offset the baggieness of the jeans. We all looked like a crew of rednecks uptown. It was all fun though. Later we all chilled at Josh's house, but had to leave shortly afterwards because Robbie needed to be home. I arrived home around twelve thirty-isz. So today was pretty good. Sadly no picture for the day. I kept forgetting to bring the camera out. Sorry.

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