
Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23, 2012 [Pineapple]

I had taken the medicine to relive my nausea while Robbie taking to me on the phone last night. After getting off the phone with him at around eleven. I konked out from the sleepyness of the medicine and woke up at different time twelve plus hours later. I am able to keep down food, in which I cut up a pineapple and ate over a cup of prunes because I am still constipation with cramps. Mrs. Michelle, Katie and Robbie called me today to check up on me. Mrs.Michelle said that she felt much better today and said that she is going to the doctor tomorrow to check on an infection foot that she has. Staying home today, so I missed history and public speaking. Katie asked our public speaking teacher if I could make up a speech that I missed today, but the teacher said that I would need a doctor's excuse. Since I didn't go to the doctor, I won't be able to make it up, but Mrs. Michelle said that she will get me an doctor's excuse for me to use. Robbie's got to work night shift for three nights this weekend and it absolutely scares me when he works night because he has to drive home at seven in the morning being so tired. He is hoping to ask his boss if he can work only two nights a week if he cannot get day shift, just so he can have time to study for school. 

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