
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thanks for not seeing me and thanks for not... I won't say. For you are the reason for may things and right now, its hatred. I am allergy to showing any form of compassion.

Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29, 2012 {Firework Festival]

Today was pretty good. I arrived at Emmanuel school around three, when it was 112 degrees outside. The festival was good and I'm hoping I got my friend back. Robbie was there, but I told him to keep his distance, for certain reasons. I got to facevpaint today before the firework show. Katie and I got into a miniature face paint fight. After many hours of sweating, I arrived home at around eleven.

June 28, 2012 [Ice Cream]

Ice cream addiction? I think so. I really need to reduce my sugar intake majorly. I passed my chapter nine math test today with a 87.5. Katie was a tutor for my class today and it was awesome to see her face. Just a couple of minutes ago, Katie's mother, Mrs. Michelle called and asked if I was interested in helping her do a show at the Emmanuel School for the firework show. I'm so happy, excited and glad that she called. I was doing a happy, jumpy dance in the living room. I'm glad she offer and I hopefully I can make amends with Katie. I deeply thanked God for it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, 2012 [White Silhouette Tree]

White Silhouette Tree
I watched a video the other day that inspired me to create this.
Today, mom and I grocery shopped today and I ran  some outside. Kinda looking forward to this extreme heat this weekend, but hopefully I can find something to do. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012 [Gummy Bears]

I was in math class today and my class mate, Fonda, placed gummy bears in my bag and said they were for me. I got gummi bears! Yeah, the bag is totally empty now. Both our favorite candy is gummi bears and she was kind enough to share. That simple act made me feel a little special and not in the slow way. Also today was the first day that I have ever voted. I voted for the congress election. Tonight, as I right now, I am in the kicthen attempt to make hummus.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 24, 2012 [Family Reunion]

Family reunion today at my house. Uncle Lewis and Aunt Marlene from Georgia, Uncle Keith, Aunt Brenda, Uncle Robert, Cousin Ellen and Mark, Uncle Phil and Aunt Judy from North Carolina, as well as Uncle Jack and Aunt Carol from Florence. Went to Pam's for lunch and later came back to my house for hummingbird cake. Yums, in which it looks like I'm going to be gaining weight from this stuff. I'm a fat kid with cake. Robbie came home from the beach today with his friends. I told him I'm feeding him cake because I don't need to eat it all.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012 [Ten Commandments]

For some reason, my energy seemed drain today. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I forced myself not to. I clean little today, because mom asked me and I again, forced myself to do it. As soon as it turned dark out, a storm came over the skies. While I was waiting the storm out, I read some of my Bible and wrote the Ten Commandments in my journal.

Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22, 2012 [Basking in the Sun]

Basking in the sun, reading a book. I just started reading the "Tortured for Christ" book by Richard Wurmbrand, today. and I'm thinking about ordering a book called "Saved Without a Doubt" by John Macarther online. Overall today, was ok. I spent hours outside just walking. The inside of the house was cold and the ninety degree weather felt good on my cold arms to where I had goosebumps on my body when I walked outside. Tomorrow I have to clean the house and dust for family that is coming over on Sunday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21, 2012 [Watermelon]

Watermelon is one of the awesomeness fruits ever. Thank you God for creating fruit. (No sarcasm intend) I took another math test today, chapter and failed it. It was the stupid mistakes that got me, such as I put "2" as my answer, but "-2" was the correct answer. I really need to pay attention more to what I do in math. I have a family reunion coming up this Sunday. Yippey, fun. No its not.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, 2012 [Veggie Sandwich]

Mom and I donated stuff and books to Habitat, Pee Dee Coalition and the library. I was hungry around eleven tonight, so I satisfied my hungry with a lettuce, tomato and onion sandwich without the bread, which was about 21 calories. My tummy in now full. Suppose to have a family reunion Sunday.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012 [Journal]

The only picture taken today. A new journal I'v been carrying around with me lately. This is how it looks now, but let's wait and see how it will look months from now after good usage. Math class was today and I failed the test by one question, that I changed the answer to, which I shouldn't had done that. By the way, I think watermelon has became one of my favorite fruits. I forgot how good it taste.

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012 [Car Wash]

Washed the car today which took a while because the family's blue van was extremely dirty. Later mom told me to throw an old useless shelf away that sat out on the porch. I didn't realize how much angry I could release by tearing up wood just to fit it in a trash can for trash pick up day tomorrow. Now I'm doing homework and studying for a math test tomorrow.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012 [Sunset]

Glad I went outside this evening. The sunset was pretty with a sky full of swirly clouds. Happy Father's Day.

June 16, 2012 [Paintball]

Today was pretty freaking awesome. I went paint-balling for the first time ever with Robbie and some of his friends. I had to wear his camouflage pants, because I did have any. lol. Thank goodness I had a belt. I meet Jurni's and Josh's baby; Giselle. Cute baby. Afterwards, we all went out to eat at Fuji's . That was the only thing I had to eat all day beside some apples and peanut butter. Warning! When you walk into Wal-Mart, you will meet people, a lot, that you know. That's what happen to Robbie, Michel, Josh, Jurni and me. We wound up power walking out of there, but I did find it funny that I had forgot to pack and change of shorts to change into after paintball, so yes, of course, I had to wear Robbie's pants, but I had a black tank to offset the baggieness of the jeans. We all looked like a crew of rednecks uptown. It was all fun though. Later we all chilled at Josh's house, but had to leave shortly afterwards because Robbie needed to be home. I arrived home around twelve thirty-isz. So today was pretty good. Sadly no picture for the day. I kept forgetting to bring the camera out. Sorry.

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012

" Be optimistic, don't be so grumpy, when the road gets bumpy, just smile, smile, smile, be optimistic" -Anywhere but Here [Movie]

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012[Mirror]

Motivation on a board.

June 11, 2012

"‎Our running shoes are really erasers. Every step erases a memory of a past failure. Every mile brings us closer to a clean slate. Each footstrike rubs away a word, a look, or an event that led us to believe that success was beyond our grasp." -John Bingham

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012 [Buddy]

Went to Mt. Crohgen today, in which Ms. Mary brought her dog, Buddy. He is so cute and sweet. Afterwards, I just chilled at home for the rest of the day. The next time I go back there should be around July, because of a family get-together at my house. courage isn't the absence of fear but rather the conquer of it "How to get on fire for God."
I need to make a plan to myself to read the Bible everyday for a month. Then eventually be able to read the whole Bible. but read every story and section seven times each. Its an idea that came from Way of the Master, On The Box episode. I figure, I have enough time and its something that I truly need to do.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9, 2012 [Sonic]

Amazing day, today. Something small, but nice, was when I opened the front door of the house this morning and a beautiful butterfly was perched on the door mat. I know it may sound cheesy, but the little things get to me. Anyways, I vacuumed the house as Robbie came over, then later he kidnapped me and we went to his grandparents farm and spent the day over at their house. Stopped by Sonic on the way home and sprugled on a mocha java chiller and tots. Today was actually really good. I think I have happy little endorphins bouncing around in my head at the moment. Hopefully this week won't ruin it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012 [Strawberries]

Yesterday Dad went to the produce store and bought soon strawberries and they taste so sweet. I love them. This is how many that manage to survive the day. I have to keep myself from eating them all.

June 7, 2012 [Veggie Pizza]

Math class today, afterwards Robbie came over and we hung out for a while. I hadn't eaten anything for lunch, besides an apple. I was in the mood for pizza, so I experimented in the kitchen and volia, nom nom noms. First whole pizza I ever made, but I might change the bread next time.
Photo credit: Robbie

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 6, 2012 [Cucumbers]

Mom went to the grocery store and bought a whole bunch of fruits and veggies. Nom.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012 [Walk]

Passed my math test for the first time today! =D Yay! When I arrived home I got a book in the mail; "Tortured for Christ" written by Richard Wurmbrand. I'll give a review on it when I finish reading it, while might take a while with my lazy self. Took a nice little walk in the woods, which I do just about everyday. The woods are my second home, for they do not judge and the view is amazing. Overall today was good.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012 [Wolf Spider and Pancakes]

Basically mowed grass today. I found a couple of friends; spiders and slugs. Pancakes for dinner, I think so.
Earlier this morning as in one in the morning Robbie and I had a good talk about things. Hopefully I can follow through with things.


June 3, 2012 [Tree Branch]

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2, 2012 [Plant]

Re-planted a few plants this evening. I need to go to bed now because I have to get up at five to go help Elaine at the flea market. I resorted to taking amitriptyline tonight. I have twenty-seven more from 2009. These better work before things get worst.
Over half the time, I don't even know what I've done wrong. I know I'm not perfect and I'm trying so hard to become stronger and make myself better person, but please stop criticizing and threatening me with everything I do.
I have dirt on my knees and I stumble a lot, but I'm not asking for much, when all I want is for someone to actually care about me. That would make a lot of difference. I want people to notice me.
I live in a perfect state of misery to where I don't even know what happiness is anymore.
I've tried so hard to try and find my state of bliss, but I've lost it somewhere between my mind and society.
First time making french toast. There's room for improvement, but yums. I had a sweet tooth and there was really no sweets in the house, expect cookies that I didn't want. I didn't take a picture of them because I ate them and I didn't feel like walking back to my room to receive my camera and wake the parents. Early morning breakfast. Don't judge me. I'm a fattie mc fatty.

Friday, June 1, 2012