
Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012 [Gots my ones]

"I got my stripper money!" That's what Katie said when I asked for change for a five and she pulls all these ones out. Last night I stayed up till four in the morning trying to finish my philosophy project. Woke up at six and had to present my philosophy term paper in class, also had my history III exam today. I feel like I did fairly decent on it. Almost done with a history powerpoint that I need to present to class next week. Afterwords, Robbie and I hung out at my house. Surprise I didn't konk out on him, but now I'm not really that tired, guess my body is used to me staying up, but I need to go to bed now and I get to sleep in later! Now on forth to math crap this weekend. Eh. [I tend to ramble on sometimes, can you tell?]

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