
Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking back throughout the year.

Facebook: This year has taught me many things for my young mind. It was a rough, but good year. It was the year that I became a Christian, which has become a big deal for me. I had to force myself to let go of my past after multiple depressing months, but in realizing how strong I really am and how strong I have become since years past. I learn how to laugh at myself, the value of friendship, hard-work, help others and finding the start of who I might become. I've answered questions that I've asked for years and I've had to learn to let some unanswered questions, go unanswered. This year has its many ups and plenty of disappointments. I've remained a vegetarian for three years, losing twenty pounds and a great friend and having to trust the unknown. In all my young, ignorant nineteen years, I must say so far this is the year I grew the most. I feel as though I haven't grown much, but I know I have. This may all sound cheesy, but this year meant I lot to me. I lost so much, but learned so much more. I still have yet to learn patience though.

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