
Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29, 2012 [Camera Experimentation]

Experimenting with the camera. Thuk and Mickey's body parts in the picture. Thuk wanted me to take pictures of her.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012 [Clothes]

Possible clothes that Robbie and I might be wearing for Halloween. Pikachu and Ash. I have to make the costumes though. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Septemer 23,2012 [Church and Mr.Baker]

September 22,2012 [180 Movie Business Cards]

Displayed at work.

September 21,2012 [Drunken Noodles]

Made by Det from Bow Thai. Yums!

September 20, 2012

Stayed at school all day with Katie, then home.

September 19, 2012 [Pikachu Nails]

Robbie and I plan on being pikachu and Ash for Halloween.

September 18,2012 [Reese's Ice Cream]

September 17,2012 [Shopping]

I don't know how he puts up with me.

September 16, 2012 [Skpying]

September 15,2012 [Nature's Harvest]

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012 [Driving]

Basically went to classes. Katie wasn't feeling well today, so Dad took me to school. Worked dinner shift as well.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5, 2012 [Math Notes]

Biology fine. Psychology fine. Math, I doodle and get distracted in lecture. This isn't suppose to look like pikachu, but it does. It was just something, I drew for the heck of it. 
Classes, then Robbie and I went to the garden trail park in Darlington* to eat lunch and walk around. I did have an annoyed feeling for some odd reason, which I shouldn't had, but later in the day when Robbie was over at my house, he fell asleep on the bed. While I was working on some school work, he woke up, which made him look so cute and *coughs* sexy. I smothered him in kissed and tried to message his back some. This working at night and going to school during the day is really messing his body up. 

September 4, 2012 [Strangers]

Not too much happened today, but while sitting on a bench in the hallway looking over biology notes, waiting for Katie to get out of biology; I chick approached me. She wanted to study biology as well and the break room was too loud for her. We chatted some, before she left. Not long after that a dude went to go sit down on the floor before I offered for him to sit on the bench. We talked about laptops, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh, and classes. The fact that I got along so well with strangers made my day. Just the fact of holding a conversation and talking. Making my way to biology, I felt my back start to ache. I sat through biology lab, hoping the class would let out early, with cold sweat and constant pain. When I arrived home, I took some IB's and I felt so much better.

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3, 2012 [Chinese Food]

Oh man, oh man, oh man. Did it felt like I was about to starve all day. Robbie comes over around one-thirty and we do school work and fiddle till about five to go get a few groceries at Wal-Mart. Robbie knowing I was a hungry hippo took us out to eat at Winn Buffet. Not being a huge fan of buffets, I surely took advantage of this one. Ummm.... I grabbed three plates of food including dessert, which consist of ice cream and Mandarin oranges. I was a fatty and didn't exactly care at the time. Robbie defiantly knew where to take me. Afterwards, we took about a two mile walk at the park. I swear it was frog/toad overload there, since it had rained so much. I saw about five-six and of course I had to hold them. Robbie thinks they are gross, but yet he held my hand after I had held them. Hehe. Love him.

Sunday, September 2, 2012