
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5, 2012 [Math Notes]

Biology fine. Psychology fine. Math, I doodle and get distracted in lecture. This isn't suppose to look like pikachu, but it does. It was just something, I drew for the heck of it. 
Classes, then Robbie and I went to the garden trail park in Darlington* to eat lunch and walk around. I did have an annoyed feeling for some odd reason, which I shouldn't had, but later in the day when Robbie was over at my house, he fell asleep on the bed. While I was working on some school work, he woke up, which made him look so cute and *coughs* sexy. I smothered him in kissed and tried to message his back some. This working at night and going to school during the day is really messing his body up. 

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