
Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012 [Purple TOMS]

I had planed on taking a "short" nap, but I complety konked out at around seven-thirty ish and didn't wake up till about seven am today. I did't realize that I was so tired. I stared work at five and I recived my TOMS as I planed on walking out the door. I must say, the red TOMS are still my favorite. Also Thursday 13, 2012, I'm suppose to babysit Emily and Mickey.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012 [Fortune Cookie]

School, and Robbie hanging out at the house. Katie stayed about an hour after work as a tutor to personally tutor me, which I thought was extremely kind and since it was raining today, Katie "stole" my umberalla, but actually called and thanked me for it. Her calling and thanking me for it made the rest of my day. Thank you Katie. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28, 2012 [Subway]

Had classes. Got out of biology lab early and ate a subway before Katie got out of classes.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25, 2012

I worked 12pm-10pm tonight.
Pad Thai (chicken and beef)
Full House

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24, 2012 [A little note from Emily]

Did laundry, some house chores and went to work. I got to work with the new girl, April for the first time tonight. She seems cool to work with. Emily, my boss's (Thuk) daughter wrote both April and I a note with "I Love You" on them. She is so cute. Thuk asked me after Peet (previous owner of Bow Thai) left for Thailand, if I could maybe, babysit her kids, Mikey and Emily on the weekdays and work at Bow Thai on the weekends. She understands my school schedule and works everything around tech. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23, 2012 [Pineapple]

I had taken the medicine to relive my nausea while Robbie taking to me on the phone last night. After getting off the phone with him at around eleven. I konked out from the sleepyness of the medicine and woke up at different time twelve plus hours later. I am able to keep down food, in which I cut up a pineapple and ate over a cup of prunes because I am still constipation with cramps. Mrs. Michelle, Katie and Robbie called me today to check up on me. Mrs.Michelle said that she felt much better today and said that she is going to the doctor tomorrow to check on an infection foot that she has. Staying home today, so I missed history and public speaking. Katie asked our public speaking teacher if I could make up a speech that I missed today, but the teacher said that I would need a doctor's excuse. Since I didn't go to the doctor, I won't be able to make it up, but Mrs. Michelle said that she will get me an doctor's excuse for me to use. Robbie's got to work night shift for three nights this weekend and it absolutely scares me when he works night because he has to drive home at seven in the morning being so tired. He is hoping to ask his boss if he can work only two nights a week if he cannot get day shift, just so he can have time to study for school. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22, 2012 [Stomach Virus]

The reason there is no picture today is because I woke up around four in the morning with a stomach virus. Which meant no school for me; missing biology, psychology and math.  My dad got some medicine from Mrs. Michelle and sierra mist to settle my stomach. My stomach virus eventually lead to constipation. I had Katie and Robbie call me multiple times today to check up on me. To find out later in the day, Mrs. Michelle was throwing up as well with a stomach virus. It was pleasing to know that people cared about me.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012 [Fruit Basket]

I have fruit! My godmother, Mrs. Sylvia and her mother Ms. Betty visited Mom today. Mr. Larry, my godfather wasn't able to come due to being sick. Flippa, a friend of my god-family sent Mom get well fruit basket. Yums, I just might have to dig into the pineapple. I cleaned and organized the house some before they arrived, shortly after arriving, they left to attend to Mr. Larry. Then, I waited to go to work at five, which was a busy night since the freshman for Coker arrived today. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17, 2012 [55th Wedding Anniversary]

     Fifty-five years ago today, my parents (grandparents) got married on August 17, 1957. Can you believe that my mom is nineteen in this picture. They meet and got married while both attending Wingate college. Of course, they still have plenty of arguments and screaming rants, but they still love and care for each other.
     Mom had a check-up doctor's appointment with surgeon Malkar at nine. I woke up at eight -thirty to help dad to get her into the van. Throughout the day, I vacuumed, washed dishes, did laundry, cleaned the counters and sweeped/mopped the kitchen floors. Later on in the evening as in after seven-thirty, I was outside about the mow grass, when dad gets my attention to tell me to help him get mom off the floor. She had fallen in the bathroom and couldn't get up. Mom uses a walker, but she lost her balance and fell with her back against the dresser stand. We helped her up, in which she ate dinner and went to bed afterwards. I just can't help to look at her and see how fast her health is deteriorating. I'm going to try my best to handle  tech, job, house and parents this semester. I get first hand experience of taking care of and elder. Mrs.Sylvia, Ms. Betty and Mr. Larry are coming over to the house tomorrow and also Robbie works night shift again tonight.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16, 2012 ["Life is not made up of how much a person has."]

Today was the second day of tech for me. I only had american history(same teacher as western civilization) and public speaking. Which meant that I got out of tech at 10:45am. Dad picked me up from school and we fetched a burger for Mom and my new "hipster" glasses from the eye doctor. I like them, but they look a bit nerdy, hispterry to me. A little bit out of my comfort zone. Slept, washed dishes and read the Bible. Since tech is now starting back as well as having a job, it will be hard to corporate five chapters of reading everyday into my daily routine as before. I now read a minimum of one chapter a day, but today wasn't busy so I read five. I may be lazy throughout the day and not what to read, but I will never regret reading the Bible. I always feel good afterwards.

August 15, 2012 [First Day of Tech 2012]

Today tech as officially started. I have Biology lecture 101, psychology 203, and math 102 on Mondays and Wednesday. American History 202, Public Speaking and Biology lab on Tuesdays, while Thursdays are just History and Speaking. Katie drove April and I to school, while Robbie drove me home. Turns out Robbie and I both have the same math class. I better contract on math extremely hard if i struggled so bad in 101. Classes were from 9:30am to 4:45pm. I met Antonio for the first time, which is a friend that Robbie talks about often from having biologys' together. I got more minutes on my phone. Still not getting an actually plan for a while, because if I want a plan, I have to pay for my own phone bill. Right now it just cheaper to just get minutes. So Robbie chilled at the house till eleven while chowing down on pizza and bread-sticks. :) We played card games as I would beat his butt at mancala. He only has biology 211 and math 102 this semester.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 14, 2012 [Cleaning Out Purse]

I worked double today at Bow Thai and got some good tips. I don't have my books for tech yet, I plan on getting them Wednesday in between classes with Robbie. Since I have been using my trusty brown backpack style purse, I had to switch to an arm style purse for the purpose that I can't wear my school backpack and a purse backpack at the same time.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12, 2012 [Mom and Pancakes]

This is what I see when I pass by Mom's room. I mowed grass, did laundry, washed the dishes and cooked supper. Not too much, but I've been feeling icky all day. I had made rice, beans and zucchini for supper, but Mom wanted pancakes. Robbie works night shift at McLeod today. From seven to seven. I just hope that he has the energy to stay up and to make it back home safely. 

I know that I have not been updating much, but I have been so busy lately. I start Tech on Wednesday and tomorrow I should be going with Katie to get our books for classes. I have to go in between shifts and I hope that I won't be late for night shift. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, 2012 [Coming Home]

Mom came home from the hospital today. Her legs are weak, but she's hopefully making them stronger with all the walking she does from having to pee so much. I got to see her when she came home because I only worked night tonight. Robbie and I didn't hangout because it would have been pointless for Robbie to drive to my house to only hangout for a couple hours. Its going to be hard not to see him often.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 9, 2012 [Bow Thai]

Started my first day of work today at Bow Thai. Its a Thai restaurant owned by a couple from Thailand. Technically I'm in training right now, but getting paid for it. Since Dad wanted to be at the hospital early at the start of visiting hours, I chilled at the Midnight Rooster for a few minutes just sitting at a table reading a Bible that was laying about, in which it helped me to calm my nerves down.
I worked double shifts today, and in between shifts, I visited Mom in the hospital.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012 [Back Surgery]

I stayed up the whole night stressing. I did go to bed around four and woke up at five to be at the hospital by six. The surgeon had played with the patients' schedule and surgery timing to where Mom's back surgery was pushed by till twelve-thirty. Four hours later and she was out and into recovery, but she wasn't put into ICU until seven. Mom seemed to be doing fine, besides pain from the surgery. Tomorrow will determined if she will stay in ICU or move to general patient. I called the family and kept them up to date. Birth parents stopped by and stayed from twelve to seven. Birth Mom pulled me to the side to talk to me about Mom. She started crying and it made my realize that I need to step up and be the rock for my family. I need to harden myself up so if I fall, I won't crack so easily and if someone need to lean on me, I can be sturdy enough for them. Also I need to stay strong so, Mom won't have to see me cry. She was scared to death for her surgery, but she was being strong and I was trying my best to hold my composure. This life may not seem so busy and what not, but this week has throw a lot at me. Robbie also stopped by. I love that he did that, even went he didn't have to. He can be so sweet at times and that is why I love him so much. Just talking to him on the phone can ease my mind some. Such as tonight, poor thing was tired, so I told Robbie I loved him and toodles. He called back about ten minutes later to make sure he told me that he loved me. That absolutely melted my heart.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7, 2012 [Black Clothes]

Job searched at Bizzell's, Shug's and Bow Thai today. Bow Thai is interested in me and would like for me to come in at five in Thursday. Mom is having back surgery around seven tomorrow and we have to be at the hospital by six am. I'm am having strong faith in God, but I am also scared to death. I'm not going to type all the could possibly go wrong, just so I don't have a breakdown. The surgery could go wrong, I'm going to have to step up and be "mom" for the house. I'm still worried about stupid tech and maybe work and also that other thing. They may seem little, but to me there huge.

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012 [Laundry]

Mom is scheduled to have surgery early Wednesday morning. She has to be at the hospital by six and yes, I did the laundry today. I want to be noticed. I want to have an impact on someone's life.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 4, 2012 [Arts and Crafts]

Today I went over to Robbie's house while his parents were gone to a family reunion in Charleston. Heading over to his house around one-ish, I brought out the arts and crafts. We made tab-can bracelets and friendship wrap bracelets. It was fun watching him make them while Baker was laying calmly in his lap. After a couple of hours, Grant and Justin were done playing golf for the day. After Robbie took him to his grandmother's to spend the night, we headed over to Easterling's Landing. We swam for about ninety minutes to two hours while wearing my blue bathing suit. Waddling out of the lake, we ate our peanut butter sandwiches and headed back to his house. We took showers to wash off the murky water and ate some pizza. We cuddled for the rest of the night and back on the way home, Robbie had to stop by Cody's house to feed Ginger and Pepper. While there, Robbie had to mention that he wanted candy. At the gas station, we gathered some gummi worms, mint m&m's, Hershey's chocolate, skittles and mountain dews.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 2, 2012 [Passed Math!]

I have officially passed math 101. I walked into math and took the test in which I passed the class with an 86 average. I passed, I'm happy, I'm good. But after three tries, I'm scared for 102. It wasn't a celebration dinner, but Dad wanted to eat at Nueva Villa, in which he had never ate there before. I was his date for the night. Later in the evening I drew a plain face on painted paper. Simplicity is key. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1, 2012 [New Hair Cut]

Ah! I finally got my hair chopped off. I went to get my haircut at nine in the morning the talked with Mrs. Pamela at Pee Dee Coalition afterwards. Then when four o'clock rolled around I went to the eye doctor for an eye appointment. I learned today that I am blind. I was told to read the letter off the chart without my glasses. I couldn't get read the second row. Sad...