
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012 [Back Surgery]

I stayed up the whole night stressing. I did go to bed around four and woke up at five to be at the hospital by six. The surgeon had played with the patients' schedule and surgery timing to where Mom's back surgery was pushed by till twelve-thirty. Four hours later and she was out and into recovery, but she wasn't put into ICU until seven. Mom seemed to be doing fine, besides pain from the surgery. Tomorrow will determined if she will stay in ICU or move to general patient. I called the family and kept them up to date. Birth parents stopped by and stayed from twelve to seven. Birth Mom pulled me to the side to talk to me about Mom. She started crying and it made my realize that I need to step up and be the rock for my family. I need to harden myself up so if I fall, I won't crack so easily and if someone need to lean on me, I can be sturdy enough for them. Also I need to stay strong so, Mom won't have to see me cry. She was scared to death for her surgery, but she was being strong and I was trying my best to hold my composure. This life may not seem so busy and what not, but this week has throw a lot at me. Robbie also stopped by. I love that he did that, even went he didn't have to. He can be so sweet at times and that is why I love him so much. Just talking to him on the phone can ease my mind some. Such as tonight, poor thing was tired, so I told Robbie I loved him and toodles. He called back about ten minutes later to make sure he told me that he loved me. That absolutely melted my heart.

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