
Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21, 2012 [Virus]

No, sadly this picture itsn't of me working out. Its of me drenched in rain water. I was replanting some plants that dad told me to do. So as I was outside, it started pouring. I actually found it quite relaxing, even though I'm not much for rain. Mom I had when shopping at Rite Aid and Dollar Tree, just to do some nick nat shopping. Gummi bears for the win. :) As I was doing my daily surfing of the internet, I was watching On The Box and I knew they had a school of evangelism. I looked into the website and I truly want to take the courses. Its a self pace study, but with all the work that I have with Tech this fall, I won't have any time. So maybe next summer?
Later in the day, my laptop said that it had a virus, so I needed to backup the files. This is a long and boring process.

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