
Monday, July 23, 2012

July 24, 2012 [Rain]

Went to math class today, in which there are only two more math classes left. I arrived home hoping to go to the vet's office to apply there for a job opening. Mom didn't feel like going. I little while later, Robbie called and "warned" me that Cody was heading up there to apply. Robbie was extremely pissed. Which I thought he was at me, for seeming like I don't do anything. Well me being upset, I sent him a message on facebook, saying "Why'd you f'ing call." Me not in the best of mood, walked outside and paced in the woods for about an hour. I haven't been there in about three weeks, since the beach. I refused to go there because I was tried of feeling depressed and I was trying not to refer back to my "happy" place, which in the long run became my "sad" place, because it received so much "negative energy" from be having been so mad at the time and resorting towards the woods. After I got in a good fight with a tree, I headed back inside, still pissed. I refused to read my Bible, for I was still mad. Not at God, just in general. I lounged about the rest of evening calming myself down as it was raining. Robbie called and explained that he was pissed at Cody be continued....

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